Barrettine Universal Clear Wood Preserver Clear/Natural

Barrettine Clear Universal Wood Preserver delivers a clear finish, making it an ideal primer for subsequent coats of paint or varnish. Suitable for use on both untreated and treated wood.

  • Deep penetrating oil/spirit
  • Great and long lasting wood protection
  • Quality primer resins for excellent adhesion
  • Low odour formula
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Barrettine Clear Universal Wood Preserver delivers a clear finish, making it an ideal primer for subsequent coats of paint or varnish. Suitable for use on both untreated and treated wood, it is perfect for outdoor applications, including windows, frames, and external doors (both internal and external sections). Additionally, it can be applied to structural timbers in unoccupied indoor areas, such as floor joists.

Barrettine's universal wood preserver is a high-quality, colourless, low-odour oil/spirit-based wood preservative designed for deep penetration. This wax-free primer provides effective protection against wood-destroying fungi (such as wet rot), wood-discolouring fungi, and wood-boring insects, ensuring long-lasting preservation and durability.



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