96 Boxes of Ecofire HotRods and HotBrix Mixed - FREE DELIVERY Pallet of 96

Pallet of 96 Boxes (48x HotRods and 48x HotBrix) of HotRods and HotBrix to allow for trial of both types to decide which are best for your home.



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96 Boxes (approx 960kg)

This mixed pallet was designed to allow you to try out both our HotRods and HotBrix briquettes and see which are the better option for you needs.

Our HotBrix briquettes are made using machinery made by both RUF and UMP, the two market leaders in this type of briquetting machinery. The finished product is an oblong brick shaped high density wood briquette, some will be embossed with the RUF logo and some will not. The quality of both is identical and equally deserving of the Ecofire brand name.

Our mechanically pressed HotRods briquettes are made predominantly from high quality oak bi-product from our production process, only using small quantities of softwood material to help the binding of the briquettes. This along with the lack of chemicals and additives being used in this process makes them one of the most ecological means to heat your home all year round!

The HotRods and HotBrix briquettes are made within our Corby depot, making them a true UK made product and reduces the transportation carbon footprint that other wood fuels may hold, from the time they are produced all the way to their delivery to your home. The boxes and the pallet that the briquettes are burnable, meaning no unnecessary plastic waste (something that we are very proud of!).

When burning our briquettes please remember that to achieve maximum burn time and effective heat output they should be left alone once burning, do not poke the fire, or burn time will reduce. The briquettes will expand naturally once alight, so it is best to start the fire with a moderate amount of briquettes to allow for expansion, then marvel at how such a small amount of this superb briquette can produce so much heat.

You will find that our HotRods and HotBrix burn with a hugely pleasant flame, to begin with, which then changes to a highly efficient and calorific glow phase once the flames have disappeared. If burnt in a stove with properly controlled airflow these briquettes can throw out huge amounts of heat for hours.

The HotRods are approximately 25-30 cm long and 8 cm round. They will need to be broken into smaller pieces as they expand quite a lot when they heat up. The estimated burning time is 30-40 minutes and their calorific value is 19.627 MJ/Kg. The HotBrix are approximately 150cm long x 6cm wide and between 8cm and 12cm thick (they are stacked two high and will both add up to 20cm) and their estimated burning time and calorific value is similar to that of the HotRods (calorific value is 19.182).

Each box of HotBrix contains 12 briquettes, whilst the HotRods contain 6 per box.

Advantages of our boxed option over our bulk bag offerings:

  • Lightweight; only around 10kg per box making it easy to handle.
  • Being in small boxes, it only requires you to handle a single box at a time for use with fire over managing a large bulk bag.
  • Made from eco-friendly cardboard, the boxes can simply be burned when empty alongside the briquettes leaving less waste to deal with.
  • Being a box with square corners, stacking and storing is a breeze. You can store the same amount of briquettes in less space compared to loosely stacked alternatives.




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