19mm Solid European Oak Mixed Width Flooring

From £47.99

Designed to create an elegantly rustic finish to your flooring project. Supplied in mixed width boards of 100mm and 240mm. 


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Our European Oak flooring with offer character in abundance, ideal for creating an authentic Oak finish to your flooring project.

European Oak is widely recognised for being a naturally durable hardwood with a striking golden appearance and tight grain. Supplied in a character grade, your flooring will contain a few sound knots, fine splits, sapwood and a small variation in colour, adding to the overall charm of these boards.

Machined to 19mm for solidity and heat retention, your flooring will consist of mixed width floorboards of 100mm and 240mm.

The price advertised is per square metre (m2). Set lengths are £15 ex VAT per sqm for lengths up to 2400mm and £20 ex VAT per sqm for lengths above 2400mm by ordering over the live chat, email or at 01536 267107 with our sales team.

Please remember that the longer you leave these boards to acclimatise to their new surroundings, the less prone to movement the boards will be when fitted. These boards are machined from a natural product, therefore as the temperature and humidity varies throughout the year, it should be expected that your boards may move slightly as the boards' contract or expand.




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